5 Photography Tips To Help You Photograph Your Life


Clean Up Your Camera

The hardest part of capturing something as fleeting as love and joy are you—the photographer.


I know this because I've done it. I've got a few photoshoots under my belt, and each and every time, it has taken me days to edit the photos. I did it for sentimental reasons; I wanted to capture those things with the certainty that time would fade them, even if for a few hours.


Make Sure Your Camera Settings Are Perfect


Before you put your camera to your eye, check that your settings are perfect. If you have a digital SLR, you probably know the drill.


Make Use of Natural Light

The lighting conditions in your office, studio or apartment are very different from those of the outdoors. At dusk, you're going to struggle with harsh indoor lighting, but in the morning it’s going to be bright and cheerful.


Having worked as a pro photographer and as a photographer for weddings and other events, I know firsthand that nature is the best natural light, so if you can arrange to take your pictures in natural light, you're going to get the Best wedding photographer in Vadodara.

Explore Your Camera's Settings

Love photography and looking at photos? Then take these 5 tips and photographs that are perfect for you.


Use your Flash


Flash is great. When shooting scenes that require lots of bright light like in front of a bright white screen, night time or a white window, you'll need some level of light. Flash is also great for capturing softening the shadows and adding more depth to your images. Simply stick the flash on and set to high.


This will give you more shadows and a little bit more to work with. We love to shoot a little bit of short length and high flash in an image like these.


The editing is quite easy with Lightroom! You can reduce the amount of light by lessening the strength of the flash or by making the flash a little brighter.


Get Creative with Your Photos

You're proud of the photographs you've taken. You even took an amazing photo of a loved one. But why do you have one random photo of yourself? Why can't you share your work with people online? And more importantly, what are you doing wrong? You can easily fix these five photography tips to take your life and photography to the next level.


Do not disregard the equipment


If you're taking photos with a smartphone then you should pay close attention to the quality of your image. Don't ignore the quality of the camera on your phone. If you are taking photos with a traditional DSLR then you should pay attention to its quality and weight. You don't want to drop your camera and damage it or leave it in the rain.


Share Your Shots

Last week we started talking about a fundamental concept in photography that, when applied, really helps you stand out in the market and not just in your local pool of amateur photographers: building a strong network.


While one of the keys to photography is to be honest with yourself, the mistakes you make and the methods you use to correct them, there's a huge opportunity cost to being embarrassed to share your shots with anyone. And why not? You're building a unique portfolio that will showcase you as a photographer and give you credibility with potential clients.


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